Best 150+ Bible Riddles with Answers
The Bible is full of wisdom, stories, and mysteries that inspire curiosity and deep thinking.
One of the most engaging ways to learn more about the Bible is through riddles. Riddles challenge our understanding and encourage us to dive deeper into biblical teachings.
Here, we present 157 Bible riddles with answers—perfect for church groups, Bible study sessions, or just a fun test of your knowledge!

📖 Old Testament Riddles
1. Who built an ark to survive a great flood?
Answer: Noah
2. I was swallowed by a big fish and lived to tell the tale. Who am I?
Answer: Jonah
3. I led my people out of Egypt, but I never entered the Promised Land. Who am I?
Answer: Moses
4. What was the first bird Noah sent from the ark?
Answer: A raven
5. I killed a giant with just a sling and a stone. Who am I?
Answer: David
6. What did God create on the first day?
Answer: Light
7. Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
Answer: Samson
8. I lived in the belly of a fish for three days. Who am I?
Answer: Jonah
9. I tricked my father into giving me my brother’s blessing. Who am I?
Answer: Jacob
10. I was sold into slavery by my brothers but became a ruler in Egypt. Who am I?
Answer: Joseph
🌿 Garden of Eden Riddles
11. What two people were the first to live in the Garden of Eden?
Answer: Adam and Eve
12. What tree was Adam and Eve forbidden to eat from?
Answer: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
13. What animal tricked Eve into eating the fruit?
Answer: A serpent
14. What did God create Eve from?
Answer: Adam’s rib
15. What did Adam and Eve use to cover themselves after they sinned?
Answer: Fig leaves
⛪ Bible Numbers Riddles
16. How many plagues did God send upon Egypt?
Answer: 10
17. How many disciples did Jesus have?
Answer: 12
18. How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?
Answer: 40
19. How many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed 5,000 people?
Answer: 5
20. How many times did Peter deny Jesus?
Answer: 3
👑 Kings and Prophets Riddles
21. Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul
22. I built a great temple for God. Who am I?
Answer: Solomon
23. I was thrown into a den of lions but survived. Who am I?
Answer: Daniel
24. I was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire. Who am I?
Answer: Elijah
25. I defeated the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Who am I?
Answer: Elijah
✝️ New Testament Riddles
26. Who baptized Jesus?
Answer: John the Baptist
27. Who was the mother of Jesus?
Answer: Mary
28. What was Jesus’ first miracle?
Answer: Turning water into wine
29. Who denied Jesus three times?
Answer: Peter
30. Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
Answer: Judas Iscariot
🌊 Miracles of Jesus Riddles
31. I walked on water, but when I doubted, I began to sink. Who am I?
Answer: Peter
32. Jesus healed me after I was dead for four days. Who am I?
Answer: Lazarus
33. What did Jesus use to heal a blind man?
Answer: Mud and spit
34. What sea did Jesus calm during a storm?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee
35. How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves and two fish?
Answer: 5,000
36. How many baskets of leftovers were collected after Jesus fed the 5,000?
Answer: 12
37. What miracle did Jesus perform at a wedding?
Answer: Turned water into wine
38. What did Jesus do when His disciples were in a boat struggling against the wind?
Answer: He walked on water
39. How many lepers did Jesus heal at once?
Answer: 10
40. How many lepers returned to thank Jesus?
Answer: 1
⛵ Stories from the Bible Riddles
41. Who was swallowed by a big fish?
Answer: Jonah
42. Who built a boat to survive a flood?
Answer: Noah
43. I was saved by Pharaoh’s daughter in a basket floating down the river. Who am I?
Answer: Moses
44. I killed my own brother out of jealousy. Who am I?
Answer: Cain
45. I received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Who am I?
Answer: Moses
46. What city had walls that fell down after being marched around for seven days?
Answer: Jericho
47. Who wrestled with an angel and had his name changed to Israel?
Answer: Jacob
48. What did God turn Lot’s wife into when she looked back?
Answer: A pillar of salt
49. I carried Jesus’ cross. Who am I?
Answer: Simon of Cyrene
50. I helped Jesus when He was born by providing a place in a manger. Who am I?
Answer: The innkeeper
🔥 Bible Fire & Destruction Riddles
51. What city was destroyed by fire and brimstone?
Answer: Sodom and Gomorrah
52. Who survived being thrown into a fiery furnace?
Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
53. What mountain did God speak to Moses through a burning bush?
Answer: Mount Horeb (Sinai)
54. What prophet called down fire from heaven on Mount Carmel?
Answer: Elijah
55. What disciple cut off a soldier’s ear when they arrested Jesus?
Answer: Peter
🏰 Biblical Places Riddles
56. What garden was Jesus arrested in?
Answer: The Garden of Gethsemane
57. Where was Jesus born?
Answer: Bethlehem
58. Where was Jesus crucified?
Answer: Golgotha (Calvary)
59. What city did Jesus enter on a donkey before His crucifixion?
Answer: Jerusalem
60. Where did Moses part the waters?
Answer: The Red Sea
💰 Greed & Betrayal Riddles
61. Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
Answer: Judas Iscariot
62. What happened to Judas after betraying Jesus?
Answer: He hanged himself
63. Who was thrown into a den of lions but survived?
Answer: Daniel
64. Who stole from Jericho and was punished by death?
Answer: Achan
65. Who lied to the Holy Spirit about selling land and died instantly?
Answer: Ananias and Sapphira
🕊️ Holy Spirit & Prayer Riddles
66. What form did the Holy Spirit take when Jesus was baptized?
Answer: A dove
67. What prayer did Jesus teach His disciples?
Answer: The Lord’s Prayer
68. What was the first miracle on the Day of Pentecost?
Answer: Speaking in tongues
69. Who was the first Christian martyr?
Answer: Stephen
70. What did Jesus say about children and the Kingdom of Heaven?
Answer: “Let the little children come to me.”
🦁 Animals in the Bible Riddles
71. What animal spoke to Balaam?
Answer: A donkey
72. What animal did God provide to Abraham instead of Isaac for sacrifice?
Answer: A ram
73. Who fed Elijah using ravens?
Answer: God
74. What animal swallowed Jonah?
Answer: A big fish (great whale)
75. What kind of birds did Noah send from the ark?
Answer: A raven and a dove
76. What animal did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
Answer: A donkey
77. What animal did Samson kill with his bare hands?
Answer: A lion
78. What animal is often used to describe Satan in the Bible?
Answer: A serpent
79. What animal was given as a sin offering in the Old Testament?
Answer: A lamb
80. What did Jesus say He would separate like sheep and goats?
Answer: The righteous and the wicked
📖 Parables of Jesus Riddles
81. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who ignored the injured man?
Answer: A priest and a Levite
82. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, what did the son do with his inheritance?
Answer: Spent it on reckless living
83. What did the Good Samaritan use to heal the wounded man?
Answer: Oil and wine
84. In the Parable of the Lost Sheep, how many sheep were left behind?
Answer: 99
85. What kind of tree did Jesus curse because it bore no fruit?
Answer: A fig tree
86. In the Parable of the Sower, what happened to the seeds that fell on rocky ground?
Answer: They sprang up but withered because they had no root
87. In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, how many had enough oil for their lamps?
Answer: Five
88. What did the father of the Prodigal Son do when he returned home?
Answer: He welcomed him with a feast
89. What kind of seed did Jesus say was the smallest but grew into the biggest tree?
Answer: A mustard seed
90. In the Parable of the Talents, how many talents did the fearful servant bury?
Answer: One
📚 Bible Trivia Riddles
91. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)
92. What is the longest book in the Bible?
Answer: Psalms
93. What is the first commandment?
Answer: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
94. Who wrote most of the New Testament?
Answer: Paul
95. What did God write the Ten Commandments on?
Answer: Stone tablets
96. How many books are in the Bible?
Answer: 66
97. What was the last book written in the Bible?
Answer: Revelation
98. Who was the first murderer in the Bible?
Answer: Cain
99. How many days was Jonah in the belly of the fish?
Answer: Three
100. What city was known for its great wickedness before Jonah preached there?
Answer: Nineveh
👼 Heaven & Angels Riddles
101. What angel told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?
Answer: Gabriel
102. What angel fought Satan in heaven?
Answer: Michael
103. What were angels often described as saying when appearing to people?
Answer: “Do not be afraid.”
104. What type of angel guarded the entrance to Eden after Adam and Eve sinned?
Answer: A cherubim with a flaming sword
105. How many angels did Jesus say He could call to defend Him?
Answer: 12 legions (over 72,000 angels)
106. What does the Bible say happens in heaven when a sinner repents?
Answer: The angels rejoice
107. In the book of Isaiah, what did the seraphim have?
Answer: Six wings
108. Who did an angel release from prison in the book of Acts?
Answer: Peter
109. What angel appeared to Joseph in a dream?
Answer: Gabriel
110. What do angels do in heaven according to Revelation?
Answer: Worship God
👩🦰 Women in the Bible Riddles
111. Who was the first woman created?
Answer: Eve
112. Who was the mother of Jesus?
Answer: Mary
113. What woman became queen and saved her people?
Answer: Esther
114. Who was the sister of Moses?
Answer: Miriam
115. Who was known for her kindness to her mother-in-law Naomi?
Answer: Ruth
116. What woman turned into a pillar of salt?
Answer: Lot’s wife
117. Who tricked Samson into revealing his secret?
Answer: Delilah
118. Who was the first woman judge in Israel?
Answer: Deborah
119. What sinful woman washed Jesus’ feet with her tears?
Answer: Mary Magdalene
120. Who laughed when God said she would have a baby?
Answer: Sarah
⏳ End Times & Revelation Riddles
121. What book in the Bible talks about the end times?
Answer: Revelation
122. How many horsemen are in the book of Revelation?
Answer: Four
123. What is the number of the beast?
Answer: 666
124. What will be cast into the lake of fire?
Answer: Death, Hades, and those not written in the Book of Life
125. What will come down from heaven at the end of time?
Answer: The New Jerusalem
126. What tree will bear fruit in heaven?
Answer: The Tree of Life
127. What will there be no more of in heaven?
Answer: Death, pain, or sorrow
128. Who will be bound for 1,000 years?
Answer: Satan
129. What color is the horse that represents death in Revelation?
Answer: Pale (greenish)
130. How many gates does the New Jerusalem have?
Answer: 12
🔥 Final 27 Riddles on Random Bible Topics
(These include topics on the apostles, laws of Moses, the temple, and hidden Bible facts!)
131. Who was the last disciple to see Jesus alive?
Answer: John
132. Who wrote the Book of Psalms?
Answer: Mostly David
133. Who was called “a man after God’s own heart”?
Answer: David
134. What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment?
Answer: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart.”
135. What was Paul’s name before conversion?
Answer: Saul
🔥 Miracles in the Bible Riddles
136. What miracle did Jesus perform at a wedding?
Answer: Turned water into wine
137. What food did Jesus use to feed over 5,000 people?
Answer: Five loaves and two fish
138. Who walked on water besides Jesus?
Answer: Peter
139. What happened when Paul and Silas sang in prison?
Answer: An earthquake freed them
140. How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
Answer: 10
141. What happened when Jesus commanded the storm to stop?
Answer: It immediately became calm
142. What did God send from heaven to feed the Israelites in the wilderness?
Answer: Manna
143. What happened to the Red Sea when Moses lifted his staff?
Answer: It parted
144. Who was raised from the dead after being in the tomb for four days?
Answer: Lazarus
145. What happened to the walls of Jericho when the Israelites marched around them?
Answer: They fell down
👑 Kings of Israel Riddles
146. Who was the first king of Israel?
Answer: Saul
147. Who was the king known for his great wisdom?
Answer: Solomon
148. What king was a shepherd before he became king?
Answer: David
149. Who was the most wicked king of Israel, married to Jezebel?
Answer: Ahab
150. What young boy became king at only eight years old?
Answer: Josiah
🌍 Bible Geography Riddles
151. What sea did Jesus calm during a storm?
Answer: The Sea of Galilee
152. What city was Paul traveling to when he encountered Jesus?
Answer: Damascus
153. What city’s walls fell after the Israelites marched around them?
Answer: Jericho
154. Where was Jesus born?
Answer: Bethlehem
155. What city did Jesus grow up in?
Answer: Nazareth
156. What mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments on?
Answer: Mount Sinai
157. What river was Jesus baptized in?
Answer: The Jordan River
Final Thoughts – Bible riddles
In Conclusion, Bible riddles are a great way to engage with scripture in a fun and meaningful way. Whether you’re looking for something lighthearted, challenging, or even a bit funny, these riddles are a great way to test and grow your biblical knowledge.